miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

What do you want to learn?


Today we have talked about:

what we already KNOW
what we want to LEARN

and ...ideas about how to learn it! You can see it BELOW

Jaime, Irene, Lorena, Haizea and Héctor have answered some questions brilliantly! Congratulations!

Some of the questions were:

- What are the names of the six continents?
- Is there more water or land on Earth?
- What is the name of the line that divides the Earth into two different parts? What are these parts?
- What is the name of the meridian that passes through London?

You can leave a COMMENT if you know the answers!

And it was Sara´s birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Resultado de imagen de BIRTHDAY CLIPART

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